Walking Basketball is a low-impact, social and fun way to improve the levels of physical activity for inactive and slightly active Australians, including those recovering from injury.

Walking Basketball is for participants of all ages, genders and abilities and helps to maintain and improve health and decrease risk factors associated with sedentary behaviour.
Whether you played years ago and want to get back into it, have never touched a ball or want to give something less strenuous a go, Walking Basketball could be the sport for you.
U3A Casey is planning classes to commence in the second semester starting August.
Venue will be the courts at Endeavour Hills Leisure Centre
Want to participate in U3A Casey Walking Basketball classes – let us know – it will help with our planning
Send an email to u3acaseyoffice@gmail.com
Have a look at the videos below to get an idea of what Walking Basketball is & how you can join in& have fun & exercise – at the same time!!!
Thanks to Basketball Victoria for their assistance with the Walking Basketball program for U3A Casey